Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brazil court delays custody ruling on US boy

The American father at the centre of an international child custody battle will have to wait another day at the very least to learn whether his nine-year-old son can return with him to the US from Brazil.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Gilmar Mendes had been expected to rule on Sean Goldman's case yesterday, then today.

The decision will likely not come down until tomorrow.

Sean’s mother took him on vacation to Brazil in June 2004, but instead of returning to New Jersey, she divorced his father David Goldman and remarried in Brazil.

His mother, Bruna Bianchi, died last year, but Sean's stepfather Joao Paulo Lins e Silva continued to raise him in Brazil and has claimed custody rights.

Also today, Silva’s lawyer Sergio Tostes issued a statement denying reports that Sean would return to the US if his maternal grandmother Silvana Bianchi was allowed to accompany him on the flight.

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