Wednesday, August 20, 2008

16-Yr.-Old To Pay Child Support To 19-Yr.-Old Mom Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Him

It's a situation fraught with so many twists and turns that if you saw it on a movie screen you might not believe it.

It began when a 19-year-old girl from the town of Lancaster, Ohio was accused of molesting a 15-year-old boy. Jane Crane was allowed to stay at the child's Columbus-area home when allegations surfaced that her stepfather was being abusive.

But something apparently clicked between the girl and the underage son of those providing her temporary refuge. She's since been charged with unlawful sexual conduct, after allegedly having physical relations at least twice with the underage boy.

So far, the story is somewhat sad, but not that unusual.

But here's where it takes an odd turn. The teen became pregnant as a result of the encounter and paternity tests prove the boy is the father of the little girl, who was born in late April.

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